Student Code of Conduct


The College expects students to adopt a mature and professional approach to their studies and their general conduct around the College. We expect students to abide by this code of conduct.
You must:
  1. Dress in a manner that is appropriate for an academic environment
  2. Treat all members of the College community with respect and courtesy.
  3. Attend all registered sessions, unless ill or for another unavoidable reason, and be punctual.
  4. Do all of your work to deadline and the best of your ability. Spend about five hours per week per subject working outside of lessons.
  5. Be ambassadors for the College in the local area: be courteous and polite to members of the local community.
  6. Respect the facilities, books and resources provided to assist you in your studies.
  7. Follow the College’s health and safety policy and be mindful of the safety of yourself and others. Alert College staff if you are aware of potential risks to yourself or others.
  8. Wear your College ID visibly at all times when on the campus. 
  9. Switch off phones and store them out of sight in class, unless by permission of the teacher.
  10. Be available for college work or activity during the core hours of 9.00-4.15 on weekdays and not take on part-time work or other regular commitments without college permission during this time.

 You must not:

  1. Bring non-students onto the College campus. Any visitors must be taken to check in at reception. If you are aware of any unauthorised visitors, you must report this to a member of staff.
  2. Drop or leave litter around the College campus.
  3. Bring fast food into the college buildings.
  4. Smoke or use e-cigarettes on any part of the College campus including immediately outside the College entrances.
  5. Be in possession of any bladed articles, offensive weapons or firearms.
  6. Be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, legal highs or any other non-prescribed psychoactive substances, or bring these into College.
  7. Engage in any violent or threatening behaviour.
  8. Bully, harass or discriminate against any member of the College community.
  9. Use College facilities to send or view any obscene, offensive or illegal material.
  10. Behave in a manner, within or outside College that may bring the College into disrepute.  This includes any criminal or antisocial behaviour. 

If you fail to observe any aspect of the Code of Conduct or associated policies, the College’s disciplinary procedures may be implemented. The laws of the land apply in the College and any breaking of those laws will be treated very seriously. Activities such as assault, theft, and the possession of drugs or an offensive weapon will be reported to the police.  Students should separate themselves immediately from any person whose actions are breaking the law.